Monday 5/22

12:00 Today, my self-study revolved around reading METAR weather reports, an essential skill for pilots. A METAR report provides up-to-date weather conditions, usually released every hour. Each report starts with the report type "METAR," followed by the station identifier, date and time, wind information, visibility, significant weather phenomena, sky condition, temperature/dew point, and altimeter setting. For example, a METAR report such as "METAR KATL 231752Z 27015G20KT 10SM SCT050 24/12 A3020" means: The observation was made at Atlanta International Airport (KATL), on the 23rd day of the month at 1752Z time. The wind is coming from the west (270 degrees) at 15 knots, gusting to 20 knots, visibility is 10 statute miles, there are scattered clouds at 5000 feet, the temperature is 24 degrees Celsius, the dew point is 12 degrees Celsius, and the altimeter setting is 30.20 inches of mercury.

Total hours: 1


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